What to Look For in a Personal Injury Lawyer

Flip through the Toronto Yellow Pages looking for personal injury lawyers and you'll be inundated with ads. There is certainly no shortage of lawyers specializing in this area of practice and it can be pretty overwhelming at first glance. How can you choose one?

The first thing to understand, when looking for a personal injury lawyer is that not all lawyers are alike. In fact, there are some downright lousy ones out there and they are hard to separate from the rest by simply looking at an ad. The market in Toronto for personal injury lawyers is completely saturated, but that doesn't mean you should just close your eyes and point to one.

What to Look for in a Personal Injury Lawyer

Unfortunately, many personal injury lawyers that you'll find in the Toronto Yellow Pages or newspapers are what we call "ambulance chasers". The stereotypical image of a sleazy attorney waiting outside the ER to overcharge grieving families or angry patients isn't that far from the truth in some cases. Choosing the right lawyer is a big decision and canada lawyer list

 you don't want to make in haste.

So, how do you select someone who really has your best interests at heart? Here are a few things to watch for:

o Fees. How much is the lawyer going to take of the settlement? It shouldn't be an excessive amount, but you'll find that a huge number of Toronto personal injury lawyers overcharge for their services. When you are suffering, the last thing you want to do is overpay, so make sure your lawyer is offering a fair rate.

o Honesty. There will always be some gung-ho young lawyer telling you that you can get millions for your injury and that there is no way you'll lose. They might be right, but not always. An honest lawyer will take the time to sit down with you and let you know just what to expect. Most companies won't sit quietly by as you sue them, so a good lawyer should let you know how they will come back at you.

o Quality. The best lawyers don't fill their schedules with hundreds of clients that they can only spend a few minutes with. You'll want someone who is willing to get all the details and to work hard with you to get what you deserve. A good way to check how well a personal injury lawyer works is to simply ask to speak with former clients.

o Real. When you walk into the legal office, what do you see? A personal injury lawyer who is trying too hard to impress you is usually pretty obvious. Trophies, medals, certificates and everything adorn his walls. A real lawyer is far more useful to you, since he or she will be able to identify with you and help you work through the process of getting your restitution.

Once you've judged the personal injury lawyers in Toronto with these four standards, you'll be left with a fairly short list. This is actually a good thing. By weeding out the useless options, you'll find that you end up with only the best. And, when it comes to recovering money for an injury, you really only want the best to be working for you.


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